The Radiograph
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1 year ago

Evening Rainstorm

Speaker A:

Incoming transmission from the radiograph.

Speaker B:

Welcome back to the radiograph.

Speaker C:

Your rowboat on the airwaves of oblivion. Today we're broadcasting from Starwater Bridge, the world's longest bridge to nowhere at all.

Speaker B:

We're somewhere between the mile five outpost.

Speaker D:

And Lola's lobster cafe. But by the time you get here, we'll be gone.

Speaker B:

This episode is brought to you by.

Speaker C:

The only bones craft fair.

Speaker B:

Looking for a gift they'll never forget?

Speaker C:

Head to the only bones craft fair.

Speaker D:

Because nothing lasts forever.

Speaker C:

But bones last a pretty long time. Okay, today we have a sense memory from the archives.

Speaker B:

This is an evening rainstorm. It was recorded somewhere in the valley.

Speaker D:

Many years ago, when you could still.

Speaker C:

Safely walk outside in the rain.

Speaker D:

I know that I have some faint memories of what that was like. Gray light rippling through puddles. The smell of rain soaked cement. Maybe you have a few memories like that too.

Speaker C:

Let's listen.

Speaker B:

Alright, that's it for now. Until next time, this is the radiograph.

Speaker C:

Where the dial never stops spinning.

Speaker A:

Radial graph turn on your x ray radio.

Somewhere in the valley, many years ago, when you could still safely walk outside in the rain.