The Radiograph
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1 year ago

Car Crash

Speaker A:

Incoming transmission from the radiograph.

Speaker B:

Welcome back to the radiograph, your renegade.

Speaker C:

Station at the edge of reality. Today we're broadcasting from Harbor Road assembly plant.

Speaker B:

Inside the walls of these factories, many.

Speaker C:

Vehicles were built and many robots were born. Now, the lithium tanks are used for sound baths and dance parties. This episode is brought to you by the pirate disco, where every concert might be your last. Tickets are on sale now for firebomb family, stegosaurus Rex, old metal pretzel, and more. Head on over to for details. And remember, you've never been to the pirate disco. Okay, today we have a flashback submitted by Rainbow Robin, 22. They say I was in a car crash a few years ago. I only remember this one moment as the other car swerved into our lane just before impact. Before everything went dark. I saw the bright, beautiful lights of the city shining through the windshield. And all I could think was, I hope she knows that I'm sorry.

Speaker A:

Like you never did. Like you never. Like you never do.

Speaker C:

All right, thank you, Rainbow Robin, 22, for sending in that flashback.

Speaker B:

Until next time, this is the radiograph.

Speaker C:

And we'll see you between the sound waves.

Speaker A:

Radiograph, turn on your x ray radio.

The shards of glass kissed my face, like you never did, like you never could.